About Me

Here you can find some not-so-secret things about me.

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How I Started

I was introduced to coding when I was 10 years old. Although I had no interest in it. Then a year later in 5th grade I was introduced to Scratch. My teacher said she would teach us how to make webpages at the end of the year, but she didn't. So durring the summer I took it to myself to learn. I searched the library for it and found out about HTML. Then I started to get HTML books and CSS books. Eventually having a vast knowledge of coding, enough so I could learn other languages like JS, PHP, and SQL.

What I do

I spend most of my time studing and completing school, although in my spare time I play around with the Scratch Cloud. I also moderate Free VistaPanel, and make random projects and designs (which I sometimes share here). My family really enjoys the ever-so-popular game moomoo.io although really I never had a interest in it. We usually play in a team named MAGA with the members SLUGGY/MALICE, Hey O!, LORD OF DISPAIR, and IceIceBaby/PotatoPeeler (Me).


I do "know" some "people" on the internet that I get along with and talk to enough to call them "friends". You can find some of those people here.